Pre-Event Photo Booth Checklist
Before your party there are various points that should be considered, I’ve put together this checklist to help you prepare for your events photo booth. These 8 points will only take a few minutes to read and could save you a lot of stress & time.
The Introduction
If you’re booking a venue with event management staff, to limit you responsibilities, send them an email introducing your chosen photo booth company. This way if either party has any questions they can contact each other directly.
Nominate a Contact
So that you can enjoy your special occasion without any distractions, nominate a guest or a venue manager as the event contact for your booth. The hire company will be able to call this individual if they have any questions on the day.
Arrival + Start Time
Obviously the booth start time will be one of the first things to be agreed, but consider when the booth will arrive to be setup. Will there be access to the area where the booth is due to be setup? How long will setup take? etc.
Print Personalisation
Most photo booth packages come with the option for a personalised print design. Ensure that you organise your personalised print well before your event date, this way you will have time for design amendments if required.
Unloading + Parking
By establishing where the booth will be loaded into your venue and where the staff will park, you maximise the chance of your booth being able to start on time. Awkward loading beys or distant car parking can add an hour plus to the setup time.
Photo Gallery Password
If your photo booth hire package comes with an online gallery, decide on a password before the event. This way the password can be publicly displayed near the booth, saving you from being asked the same question over and over.
Filters & Backdrop
Different backdrops will work best with certain photographic filter effects. Discuss with your chosen booth provider which combinations complement each other with their booth setup.
If you plan on having a guestbook with your photo booth, we suggest agreeing on where the book will be stored after the hire duration. The easiest option is to have your booth attendant deliver the book to the venue management.
I hope you found these 8 points useful! If you have any unanswered questions regarding your preparations for your booth feel free to comment below or send me a message on Facebook.